Fiber Fashion Celebrates International Language Day


One of the pride of the Bengali nation is Amar Ekushey February. The only Bengali nation in the world has given its life for language. Ekushey February has acted as a pioneer in every movement of the Bengali nation. Twenty-one is an ever-awakening consciousness to us. The recognition of Ekushey February as the International Mother […]

Fiber Fashion Celebrates International Women’s Day


“Whatever great creation in the world is forever benevolent, half made by women, half made by men.”Like the words of the rebellious poet, the contribution of women in the garment industry of this country is more and more. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, “Fiber Fashion” extended its gratitude, best wishes and best wishes […]

Fiber Fashion Celebrated Bangabandhu’s 100th Birthday


Fiber Fashion is committed to protecting the rights of workers and their health. Following this, on the 100th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a joint venture of Fiber Fashion and Popular Pharmaceuticals organized a health camp for Fiber Fashion garment workers. And an agreement was reached between Fiber Fashion […]