5 Ways a Garments Manufacturer Can Help Your Apparel Business

Bangladeshi Garments Buying House Fiber Fashion

Garments manufacturers are one of the most significant players in the garments industry. The quality of their products and the timely delivery are what make them stand out from other brands. When it comes to finding a garment costing lower than your usual local brand, you will certainly look for the right answers at a Garments manufacturer in Bangladesh. Here are some of the reasons why they are the best choice.

Garments manufacturer in Bangladesh Fiber Fashion
Garments manufacturer in Bangladesh Fiber Fashion

Productivity Enhancement One of the benefits that you can get when working with a Garment manufacturer in Bangladesh is that you can increase the productivity of your business. With better production methods and innovative strategies, you can ensure that you produce better clothes and services. When you have better machinery and processes in place, you can increase production and cut down on costs. With an efficient core style and fiber structure, you can get your product to the market in record time and with minimal loss of quality. With the help of a Garment manufacturer in Bangladesh, you can get all these and more.

How Garments Garments Manufacturer Can Help Your Apparel Business

Increase Your Global Market Reach Is able to sell garments ranging from knitwear, knitted garments, scarves, and a lot more which means that you will be able to sell them in different countries. Being able to reach out to a wider audience means that you will be able to expand your market base and you can do this in a cost-effective way. In addition, having a Garment manufacturer in Bangladesh is advantageous because they can offer the core style and the highest quality of material to their customers, meaning that they will get quality garments at the lowest prices possible. This is why Garments manufacturer in Bangladesh are an excellent choice when it comes to expanding your business and reaching a new market.

Connectivity Experience

In the textile industry, there is a constant need for connectivity. This means that there is constant communication between the wholesalers and the textile manufacturers themselves. You can benefit from this as well as get your product to the right customers quickly. When you are connected with your textile manufacturers through telephonic or electronic means, you can save a lot of time and money. This helps to keep your business on track.

Fiber Fashion Ltd.- Best Apparel Sourcing company in Bangladesh

Fiber Fashion Ltd.- Best Apparel Sourcing company in Bangladesh

Fiber Fashion Ltd.- Best Apparel Sourcing company in Bangladesh
Fiber Fashion Ltd.- Best Apparel Sourcing company in Bangladesh


When it comes to manufacturing clothes, you have the ability to design the garment exactly how you like it. If you make changes to the design, you only have to change a few sewing details and then you will have the perfect garment to make your customers happy. With the use of computer numerical controlled (CNC) technology, you can easily create designs that can help you change the way the garments should look. You can get the dress that goes with just the right fabric and the right neckline to fit the body perfectly and that is something that can’t be done if you are working with traditional methods of manufacturing clothing.


Since most clothes are from wool, cotton, and other natural fibers, getting accurate measurements is extremely important. By using the special equipment that is available for textile manufacturers, they can get measurements right down to the last millimeter or inch. When a customer puts in incorrect information, you could end up with a garment that does not fit properly. The use of technology has changed the way that we do business in many ways and garments are one of the ways that you can make your business thrive.

Cost efficiency

One of the things that a textile manufacturer can offer is great cost-efficiency. There is no need to put out additional capital when you are using a CNC machine to manufacture your clothing. In addition to the ability to produce larger quantities, you can also produce finer quality garments for a lower price than you would with other types of machinery. That is something that more businesses are looking at as a way to stay cost-competitive.

Telephonic communications

Another important advantage for a garments manufacturer is the ability to expand their business quickly. Through the use of telephone technologies. If you order from a manufacturer, chances are that you will be ordering in bulk. This can be accomplished through the use of automated order placing machines. That allow you to place orders from multiple clients. Many of these machines also have the ability to sort through the orders. That you receive. and make sure that they are sent to the company that is closest to you. This can be a big advantage because you will never have to worry about having a lot of clothes to ship out. If you can cut your costs by utilizing this type of machinery, you will find that your profits will soar.

Where to Source Garment Products in Bangladesh?

There are many bug garments manufacturer in Bangladesh. Fiber Fashion is one of them. Fiber Fashion is one of the best garments manufacturers in Bangladesh. We manufacture T-shirts, Polo shirts, Women’s tops, shirts, etc. Contact us for garments products at affordable prices.

Role of Garments Buying House in Apparels Sourcing

role of buying house fiber fashion

Role of Garments Buying House

Garments Buying House in Bangladesh is the best option to source clothes. There are a number of garment buying house that offer a wide range of best quality clothes for women, men, and children of all ages and tastes. These garments are made from fabrics that offer the best comfort. If you are looking for garments that will offer comfort and style at the same time, then the best option will be to buy them from the Garments Buying House in Bangladesh.

role of buying house fiber fashion
role of buying house fiber fashion

Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh, where most Garments Buying House is located. Garments Buying House in Dhaka was established in 1969 by Leila Sheikh as a way to supply clothes to workers of different organizations that were engaged in various industries. Today it has grown to become one of the biggest wholesale depots of garments offering quality and affordable clothes. It also forms a great source of income for local vendors and business owners.

Garments Buying House in Dhaka

The Garments Buying House in Dhaka functions as the largest textile factory. A large number of workers work in the factory and specialize in producing fine quality garments for customers. These garments are made from a huge range of fabrics and are made to order so that you can get good quality products for your budget. You can visit the Garments Buying House in Bangladesh online through their website which offers garments manufacturing, wholesale and retail products at the best price in the market.

Bangladesh is the leading production country in the world for clothes. Some of the major clothing items produced in Bangladesh include T-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, trousers, jeans, cardigans, footwear, leather goods, swimwear, dresses, etc. This region plays an important role in the international garment industry because the export of garments from this country far outpaces the production of cotton in other countries. A lot of local and foreign buyers are attracted to buying clothes manufactured in this country.

Bangladesh: The 2nd Largest Textile Exporter

Bangladesh is the second-largest South Asian nation after India. As far as the textile industry in Bangladesh is concerned, there has been significant growth in the past few years. The Dhaka-based Garments Buying House has become the best option for buyers looking for high quality and trendy garments at the most competitive price. The Dhaka based merchandising company has an established rapport with top European and American brands.

Why Bangladesh is the Best for Sourcing Apparels?

The Bangladesh Produce Market is highly diversified with millions of products. The region plays a vital role in the export sector and most of the exporters have set their base here. The growth in exports has been tremendous and has made it the most profitable sector in the country. The exporter gets lucrative margins when the product reaches the overseas market. A huge chunk of the budget is spent on buying raw materials from the neighboring and key regions of the country. This vital role is fulfilled by the Dhaka based garment buying house.

Why Fiber Fashion is the best Buying House in Bangladesh
Why Fiber Fashion is the best Buying House in Bangladesh

It can be rightly said that the Garments Buying House has played a vital role in shaping the modern-day clothing industry of Bangladesh. The exporters from this sector have a diversified order processing network to meet the requirements of the buyers worldwide. The exporters take care of all the complexities involved while the orders are being processed. This helps the buyer to get hold of the best quality garments without hassles.


Most of the factories in Bangladesh assemble a different variety of apparels like tops, bottoms, trousers, dresses, etc. Most of these garments manufacturers are based in the coastal regions of the country. These factories process the orders placed by the buyers and dispatch them to the desired destinations within the shortest time possible. Moreover, they also provide customers with excellent discounts and freebies on their purchase. Most of the buyers prefer to buy branded clothes rather than local and non-branded products as the latter might not meet their requirements and quality standards.

Where to Buy Cotton Face Mask in Bangladesh?

Cotton Face Mask in Bangladesh from Bangladesh

Face Mask in Bangladesh

If you are looking for a place where you can buy a cotton face mask at a discounted price, then the best place is the online website. You can search for numerous brands, designs, and categories with their pictures. Once you click on the desired brand, you will be redirected to the page. Here you can see the product description, buyer’s comments, and supplier’s profile with full transaction details, product history if any, supplier’s profile, and background check.

Face Mask in BangladeshIf you don’t like the idea of making telephonic calls to buy a cotton face mask at a discounted price, then you can search it on the World Wide Web. You can get access to various brands and products with their descriptions and prices. If necessary, you can also visit a supplier’s online profile and check its complete profile with prior arrangements. The facilities like online calculator, price check, order entry, shipping cost, return policy and other customer-oriented services help a lot in choosing the best deal.

Buy Face Mask from Fiber Fashion Online

Nowadays, there are a number of online shopping sites where you can buy cotton face masks from any part of the world. They provide a variety of products to choose from. It has a lot of advantages like no geographical limitations, a quick purchase, and free delivery. But it has some disadvantages too. One of them is that you have to pay for your purchased item. So, be careful while choosing the site.

Cotton Face Mask in Bangladesh from Bangladesh
Cotton Face Mask in Bangladesh from Fiber Fashion

Most of the time, the buyers buy cotton face masks from the wrong websites. Some of them sell fake brands which is dangerous for your health. It should be done only by expert people. So, do some research about the site before purchasing the product.

The other problem faced by most of the customers is that they pay for the product without knowing about the quality of it. Most of the time, a cheap price makes the eyes look big. In order to solve this problem, you can buy cotton face masks of good quality from well-known stores or suppliers. Then you can compare the price and quality of different companies. It will enable you to buy a cotton face mask at a reasonable price.

Advantages of Cotton Face Masks

  • The main purpose of applying the mask is to reduce the risk of affecting COVID19. The cotton face was used for many years in the old days. It prevented virus and other problems.
  • Many people believe that it is difficult to remove the cotton. But it is very easy. You just have to wash the cotton face mask with water. Then you can just wipe it away gently. After using the cotton face mask once in a day, you will see that your face is clean and healthy.
  • Cotton is one of the most absorbent materials available. Therefore, it makes it a very good material to use for all kinds of treatments. The cotton used for face wash is also very useful. When you buy a cotton face mask, you can use it to clean your skin. This is especially helpful for persons who have dry skin.
  • The cotton used to make the face wash also has antibacterial properties. The bacteria will be killed due to the detergent. Also, the cotton will help to absorb excess oil from the skin. Therefore, if you buy a cotton face mask, you can get the best results.

If you want to buy a cotton face mask in Bangladesh, the best place is Fiber Fashion Limited. You can find plenty of different products on the Faceboo page of Fiber Fashion. In most cases, you have to buy the product that is offered but you will still save money.

Facial Protection Equipment in Bangladesh

Facial Equipment in Bangladesh

Facial Protection Equipment in Bangladesh

The boom in exports of hazardous medical equipment such as PPE has created a need for medical staff to be well equipped with essential protective clothing while working. These highly hazardous medical supplies have been a cause of much concern not only by international health organizations but also by local hospitals that have laid tremendous stress on its use. These highly contagious health care supplies include surgical gloves, syringes, disposable gowns, and similar PPE apparel. As the global health industry faces its worst recession in decades, the urgent need to preserve the use of these highly lethal medical products in low-risk environments has led to the widespread adoption of PPE by hospitals and nursing homes all over the world.

Facial Equipment in Bangladesh
Facial Equipment in Bangladesh

The sudden outburst of paralytic diseases, including AIDS, caused by unsafe practices by many sweatshop producing factories has created a need to control the spread of deadly contagious diseases by using disposable gowns. The introduction of PPE into the domestic garment industry has led to a surge of manufacturers. With millions of pounds worth of foreign investment expected to flood the country, there has been a rush of Chinese companies into the country’s textile industry in an attempt to tap its cheap labor and lower-cost resources.

PPE: Emergency Clothes

But with billions of dollars worth of contracts already signed with international buyers and a potential pandemic looming, garment manufacturers in Bangladesh are worried. Is there a solution? Can PPE be regulated like other hazardous materials and imported from reputable suppliers? What can we do to avoid the risks of PPE entering the domestic market? The government has been attempting to regulate PPE through the Bangladesh Industrial Processing Industries (BIPI) and Clothing Manufacturers Association (CMA) but these measures have met with heavy resistance from manufacturers. There is little the government can do apart from encouraging businesses to purchase PPE from accredited suppliers.

Face Mask and Other Facial Equipment

Most of the apparel that comes into contact with the public is produced in small factories that lack the resources and capacity to process large volumes of garments in a short time. These factories rely on local brokers to source PPE from abroad. The brokers either collude with the garment manufacturer directly or they pass on the request to another party, who then submits the request to the manufacturer directly. Brokerages are legally bound not to source PPE from a supplier that could potentially face a lawsuit; they also cannot supply PPE if they are aware that the product poses a serious health or environmental risk.

Face Mask Industry in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh garment industry produces underdeveloped countries that do not have stringent regulations covering PPE, so it is easy for cheap PPE to enter the country via illegal channels. Some of the clothes that enter the country via this channel contain counterfeit PPE which is then sold to unsuspecting domestic buyers. However, garment manufacturers have realized that unless they are able to monitor their supply chain more comprehensively, they will be at a disadvantage to competitors who do have more sophisticated inspection processes. So, many of these factories have now started using organized certificate scanning of their goods so that when they export the PPE, they are ensured of its quality.

Managing directors in garment manufacturers are usually well educated and trained in handling PPE; however, they are often unable to dedicate sufficient time to managing PPE shipments. This leads to delays in delivery, which can seriously affect a company’s sales and reputation. Many of these companies have been able to successfully overcome the challenges of managing PPEs via automation: the design and manufacturing process is largely automated, so there is no longer the need to divert resources to tracking down suppliers, re-supplying or monitoring the factory’s PPE shipments.

PPE Production and Supplying in Bangladesh

However, PPEs still require manual data entry when importing or exporting them, especially for hazardous materials. garment manufacturers that ship internationally has had to face severe penalties for ignoring shipment notification requirements and not complying with the required labeling and shipping procedures. In addition, there are penalties for not having the correct amount of chemical resistant clothing in stock. A textile industry association has set the criteria for what it requires in order for an exporter to be certified, stating that any company in breach of its standards will be blacklisted by the association and will not be allowed to export goods in the future. The association also makes sure that the chemicals in chemical resistant clothing manufactured in PPE factories are appropriately declared at the customs and that the appropriate labeling is used, so that companies do not get penalized for non-compliance.


There is a lack of expertise at present in Bangladesh garment manufacturers. Only six of the country’s twenty-eight factories are fully operational. Twenty-one of these is producing garments that are suitable for use as face masks, respiratory protection, and personal protective equipment. An apparel industry association has reported that most factories in Bangladesh were still using untested and unregulated PPEs in their products, including those that are considered “beriberi-permeable.” The association has called on the Bangladesh government to improve its licensing requirements for PPEs to address these concerns.

Tips for Choosing a Garments Buying House in Bangladesh!

Garments Buying House in Bangladesh

Garments Buying House plays an integral role in the textile industry of Bangladesh. A typical Buying House includes a team of skilled people like Designer, merchandiser, engineer, quality manager, administrative head, logistician, and a well-furnished office. By gathering a large number of orders from different worldwide clothing buyers, Buying House plays an important role in the textile industry of Bangladesh. The textile industry of Bangladesh is one of the upcoming sectors in the country, which has the potential to create a huge impact on the textile business of the country.

Garments Manufacturer
Garments Manufacturer

Roles of Buying House in Bangladesh

The role of buying a house in Bangladesh is very important as it helps clothes manufacturers to gain timely market demand for their products. Without this support, the manufacturing of garments in Bangladesh would become impossible. There are many factors responsible for the success of this textile manufacturing industry in Bangladesh. Amongst these, the most important factors are favorable tariff structure, availability of raw material, easy availability of trained staff, skilled manpower, and high-quality fabrics. These factors have helped clothes manufacturers to utilize their resources and earn fair profits from the textile business in Bangladesh.

Tariff Structure:

The tariff structure offered by the government of Bangladesh to clothing manufacturers is quite competitive and encouraging. As it supports the needs of the textile industry of Bangladesh, these tariff structures have made the textile industry of this country better. After all, you can only get better rates when you produce a quality product.


Now let us focus on the topic of Garments buying a house in Bangladesh. A good wholesale apparel supplier offers you a high rate of discount on bulk orders. The supplier should be able to arrange a shipment of products from China, as they offer good rates. Some of the leading clothing line companies are ready to invest their money and enter into partnerships with reliable clothing wholesalers. In such cases, you can easily negotiate on price with the supplier.

Fiber Fashion Logo
Fiber Fashion Logo

Virtual Buying House Office

An online garment buying house in Bangladesh can be an excellent option for purchasing a bulk of apparel at a cheap rate. You can simply browse through various websites of such houses and compare their prices, inventories, and services. However, you must not compromise with the quality aspect of the products. It is best to check if the company you choose is a member of reputed trade and regulatory body like the Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) and Trade Organisation of Bangladesh (TOA).

Apparels buying house in Bangladesh can facilitate you to purchase a variety of apparel at wholesale prices. This facility is provided in return for placing bulk orders of products. There are different types of payment options available, including cash, debit card, credit or e-check among others. Dhaka-based agents may help you to place the bulk orders on your behalf, as they have an in-house expert team that deals with buyer-related concerns.

Buying House: The Present Conditions

The manufacturing sector in Bangladesh has experienced rapid growth, due to the influx of skilled workers from different parts of the world. Many manufacturers now manufacture customized apparel for women, kids, and men. They take utmost care while manufacturing clothes to meet the specifications of the buyers from different sections of society. Apparel produced by these manufacturers can easily meet their needs. and demands of customers living in any part of the country.

Source the Best Quality RMG from Bangladesh
Source the Best Quality RMG from Bangladesh

Why Should You Source Apparels from Bangladesh by Buying House?

The garments buying a house in Bangladesh can help you gain huge profits by providing you the right products at the lowest possible rates. The garment industry of Bangladesh is highly diversified, as it consists of both local and international manufacturers. Some of the top names in the garments industry of Bangladesh are D&G, Voss, Cotton Woods, Hytech, Shahanigans, Superga, JML, Unite Designs, and many more. These companies also export their product to various countries.

Garments Buying House – A Retailers Role in the Growth of Modern Bangladesh

Garments buying a house in Bangladesh has become a strong trend of buying garments worldwide. Many countries are offering good deals and favorable prices for garments. What is more? There is no need to visit the garment factory. What is more?

Why Fiber Fashion is the best Buying House in Bangladesh1
Why Fiber Fashion is the best Buying House in Bangladesh1

Most of the time foreign investors don’t have to contract garment factories directly for orders, instead, they prefer Buying houses in Bangladesh to secure the best quality product for them from manufacturing various garments in Bangladesh. The role of Buying House in Bangladesh is to take care of supply chain management, from production to shipping and delivery to the final buyer. These clothing items are produced by different garment industries in different parts of the world, from the Philippines, India, and China. The main aim of these industries is to provide high-quality products at affordable prices to their customers.

Textile Sector in Bangladesh

While working as an exporter in Bangladesh, you need to be aware of the global textile industry and the changes in the textile sector due to globalization. The garment sector has been one of the fastest-growing sectors in South Asia since the turn of the millennium. This is a result of the growth in the manufacturing industries of various South Asian countries like India, the Philippines, China, and Pakistan. The increase in the number of job opportunities in this sector has made it one of the lucrative career options today.

Fiber Fashion Ltd.- Best Apparel Sourcing company in Bangladesh

Fiber Fashion Ltd.- Best Apparel Sourcing company in Bangladesh
Fiber Fashion Ltd.- Best Apparel Sourcing company in Bangladesh

However, the responsibility of job responsibilities doesn’t end here. Tasks and responsibilities also include product development. You need to be responsible for keeping an eye on the development of new garments that would help you meet the increasing demand of the market.

Roles of Garment Buyer

What is more? You need to be a buyer in the whole order processing chain. From the manufacturing units to the warehouse and from the buyer to the wholesaler, there should be a smooth flow of operations. If there is a break in the order processing, then you would not be able to keep up with the rising demand of the market. So, as an exporter from Bangladesh, you must be aware of the prevailing scenario in the market. And this knowledge should guide you to buy the best quality garments manufacturers from India that can meet your order requirements without facing any problems or issues.

Fiber Fashion workers are working
Fiber Fashion workers are working
factory Fiber fashion
factory Fiber fashion

Apart from dealing directly with the wholesalers and the manufacturers, you can also work as a middleman between the buyer and the supplier. This means you will have to contact both sides and play a role in negotiations between them. If you are successful in convincing the buyer to purchase a certain product line from you then you will be making a good income as an export-oriented businessman. Most of your clients will be coming from the eastern sector of Bangladesh, especially from India.

Types of Buyers

Once your business gets going, you will find that there are various types of buyers from the different sectors of society who will be asking you for bulk orders. These orders may come for different products, but the common request from the buyers is for various kinds of garments, especially from garments that are export-oriented. So, if you want to expand your reach in this kind of trade, you will have to find ways and methods to convince the concerned buyers that you can provide them with quality products at a reasonable price. You can start doing this by getting your name registered with the local buyer’s organizations. Once you get the approval, you will be in a position to source bulk orders for garments from any place across the country and even from other parts of the world.

Quality PPE in Bangladesh
Quality PPE in Bangladesh

The role of a buying house in Bangladesh is very much significant, not only in terms of getting orders and sourcing profitable products but also in terms of giving their clients a comfortable and secure experience in dealing with them. It is for this reason that garments and related products are always imported from the main market of the country. The role of these organizations in this context is to check that the imported garments are exported on time so that there is no loss of profits on the part of the exporter. They are responsible for ensuring timely delivery to the buyer, both in terms of quantity and quality of the product.

Quality PPE from Fiber Fashion Limited
Quality PPE from Fiber Fashion Limited

Where Will You Find the Best Buying House in Bangladesh?

Fiber Fashion Limited can be the best option for you in Bangladesh as your buying agent/liaison in Bangladesh. We have been providing services for a long time. You can choose us.

Contact US:

Fiber Fashion Limited

[email protected]
